We offer childcare so that you can fit it all in!
A parent's day to day task list can seem overwhelming and often as the day begins to close we may have forgotten our own meals much less found time for a workout. From our own experience we know how much an hour in the gym can do to set us up to take on all that comes our way as a parent. After a workout what may have seemed to overwhelm us or exhaust us so quickly before seems to roll off our shoulders as we move through our day with the extra energy and endorphins our time at the gym has provided. Not to mention a 1-2 hour break from our little ones!
Our Childcare Lead, Jordan Davis, ensures your workout will be guilt-free by keeping your kids engaged and active while you take on your work-out. Most of our members' children will request time with Jordan, just another incentive to make the time to show up for your own health and fitness needs.
Pricing is as follows per child:
$5 single visit $15 per month $100 one year