You have a membership, now get the most out of it!

Jen S is a busy professional woman. She invested in personal training with Coach Jackie. What are Jen’s goals?

Build bone density

Lose fat

Improve posture

Jen L is a new member, a female in her 70s. She invested in personal training with Taty. What are her goals?

Lessen DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)

Build bone density

For a coach to develop a workout plan she can execute on her own.

Steve G trains with JJ. What are his goals? He has had shoulder surgeries and strives to regain strength and mobility. Safely, without injury.

These are the ones who had a clear goal and sought out a coach to help them execute. The gains come in the journey, by staying consistent and continuing to put in the work.

Then there are members of our community who join Anastasia Fitness and who share a common condition our coaches can cure. It can be debilitating. The condition is the fear of looking stupid. Do you suffer from this common ailment? You look at the kettlebells but hesitate to swing one. You climb up on the ellipticals instead, that is foolproof. All movement is good, but for a small investment, as little as $65, you can have a coach's full attention for 60 minutes. They will teach you how to use the cool things we have in the gym; TRX, Indian clubs, Kettlebells, med balls plus all the standard machines. Don’t feel like you have to know your way around the gym. Our coaches would never walk into your business and think they could do it as well as you can.

You bought the membership, now invest in some coaching to get the most value out of your membership. Look forward to your next workout and enjoy the process of training to live better longer.


Dive Into Confidence

