Gym Membership Sale!

Your best Summer body yet is here!

We believe a summer body is the one that makes you feel most confident to take on all the best parts of summer. Feeling comfortable in your skin because that’s what you’ll be showing up in for beach days, BBQs and water park days. It’s not about the perfect body, though fitness does of course help us to lose weight and build muscle, it’s the assuredness we feel in our own strength and power when we start we treat our bodies right.

At Anastasia Fitness we set you up for successful fitness. When you sign up the very next step is a consultation with our trainer, Larry, who makes sure we understand your goals, your background and what your past stumbling blocks have been or may currently be to achieving those goals. We don’t want to take your membership dues without ensuring we play out our end in the deal of providing a service that satisfies. We always include Group Fitness in your membership because it provides wonderful community (support and accountability), great energy (motivation to keep building the habit of showing up), plus wonderful guidance (for newbies, just returning to fitness, or those unsure of how to DIY their workouts) and we want everyone to be able to participate regardless of their pocketbook. We offer a multitude of amenities because we know there’s more than one way to achieve success and many different bodies and mindsets who prefer pool to land, racquetball to treadmill, calisthenics to olympic lifts. We have a team of trainers who meet weekly to discuss how to best serve their clients and offer both one on one training and small group training through Team sessions. Our trainers not only meet weekly to discuss and learn from one another how to grow better, they continually attend conferences, clinics and workshops to stay ahead of what’s trendy and instead learn what the current science and leaders of the industry know actually works and doesn’t just look cool on an instagram square.

This summer should be your best body and hence your best experience yet because when we’re fit we: Have the energy to chase after a toddler through thick sand, to push our little groms into wave after wave, the endurance to spend a day paddle-boarding and still make it to dinner with visiting friends without feeling drained, the freedom to travel to adventures without worries that our bodies can’t take on the task, enjoy the beauty of the Intracoastal in our kayak pain-free, find more ways to connect with our partners whether it’s a long bike ride or a long hike through a state park, and so. much. more!

Right now we are offering a special membership sale- now’s the time for your best summer yet- click the button below!


Summer Camps on the radio


Built for Motherhood