We've all experienced times in our fitness journeys where results start to stagnate, inspiration slacks off or a desire to learn new methods occur. When that happens we can wait for the tide to turn, get back to the drawing board OR hire a professional to re-work the fitness game for us. If one on one training or small group training isn't your cup of tea, or if it doesn't fit your pocketbook, then a written program is the ideal choice to get the results you're after.

Coach Henry offers a 6 week program focused on foundational movements and progressive lifts geared to get you stronger. This program can be implemented in any space that provides a bench and weights. No membership is required and results are guaranteed.

Coach Becky offers a 6 week program formatted with intervals that provide mobility, conditioning and strength-training blocks to provide a well-rounded workout. The workouts are designed to be time-efficient because, as a working Mama, Becky knows how valuable it is to feel like you got it all done and can get on with the rest of the many tasks life throws at you.


StaFit during your visit to St Augustine


Menopause - Stength is never a weakness and Fat is rarely an advantage.